This was my second visit to Chicago and it did not disappoint. There again were great accomodations when with the Wong and Wu families on Argyle St. that make you feel right at home. This visit focused on all of the different types of foods and cultures that were just around the corner.
Day 1: We arrived very early in the morning and slept until around lunch then made our way to Chinatown for Dim Sum at Cai (mmm chicken feet). The asian stores had tons of unique authentic items (as seen below on left - bbq baby squid). Paige and I picked up some Crysanthamum tea... and while we were there we had to of course have the thai tea bubble tea, best i've ever had!
We rang in the first night with "Food Rampage 2012" that consisted of 6 restaurants and styles of cuisine... Needless to say it eneded in pain.
Kumas Corner (egg burger)
- Ricobenes (steak sandwich)
- Maxwell Street Depot (cheese steak)
- Twin Anchors (bbq pork)
- Del Seoul (korean taco) - closed
- Weiner's Circle (hot dog)
Though our palets did not stop there, it seemed that each day brought new and exciting flavors that challenged those of the day before. Sargent Dave Wu, with a soft spot for spam and dives, was our food guide for the extent of our stay and he had something up his sleeve at meal time.

Of course dinner was soon after so we got a ride to meet the family at Pho Viet which also included a bit of unexpected dancing. For a family fun activity bowling was set on the agenda, but the best part is its rustic charm (ancient feel). We even tried to find the geocache, but didn't have the right device for the job at the time.
Day 3: The long awaited dish of the entire trip was the Korean Taco, the shrimp were amazing, and don't forget the
kimchi fries! Did some browsing on a different side of town today and made our way to Wrigley field where the Cubs were playing. The strip was packed with fans so we decided to stop at Dueces and the Diamond Club which seemd to be all the rage. That night was a celebration of Li's birth so we met Ashley and the family at his house to surprise him with cake. Since their house was about a mile away we decided to walk, but that was a terrible idea and felt like it took forever! For dinner we went to a good ethiopian restaurant Demera's right down the road.

Day 4: To throw the kids' first Easter egg hunt we went to the nearest Walgreens for supplies and surprises. Along the way we stopped at Atlantic Bar and Grill which turned out to be a Soccer bar (very popular in the north apparently). That is where we learned that guinness was
the special ingredient in a bloody mary... it blew my mind. Upon our return to the house the hunt commenced and they had a great time! Since they had to go to chinese school we went our separate ways and ended up at a cool tapas place called
Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba. Li and Ashley met us there and we all went to Halligan Bar where we continued the theme and had the best bloody mary ever! - It had a dill pickle as part of the garnish! Already it was time for dinner so we were going to have round two of Del Seoul only to find it was closed. So we hit the next Korean restaurant, but the BBQ was a little on the weak side. It was time for a night out on the town so we went to play life size Jenga at Ravens and board games at Guthries. Found that the most underrated game is Blurt.. super fun and great for a group.

Day 5: Since we were leaving later in the day we had to get our fix early and some goodies to take home. Breakfast at Hamburger King then Chui Quon Bakery for $.90 pork buns and Ba Le for vietnemese sandwiches for the road. The drive home was quick because we watched hulu and Homeland.
It was a great trip! Thanks to everyone who made it happen!
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